SC Dogsled Team Training Journal

dogsledding, dryland, carting, dog training, dog behavior

Monday, October 24, 2005

Day 9

Cosmos - Kenai
Sasha - Ltl. Bear
Yeti - Sakari
Ulric - Dancer

54 F (1.6 miles)
This morning we ran with a new dog in the team. Sasha. She has lived in the kennel with the race team now for several months and gets along well with everyone. As we ran since this was her first time she had some problems getting used to the all the ropes. She kept stepping over the main gangline and has it ride between her legs then she would somehow get her tugline between her legs. Each time I had to stop the team and either let her get out of it or help her out of it. That is to be expected with a new team member so I watch for this and stay ready on the brake to stop the team. I mostly try to ride the brake so the lines stay tight and she can't step over them. She ran well for most of the run then near the end she was tangled and I immediately stopped and ran up to help her and noticed that she had cut her foot. I made the whole team lay down while I took care of her. My leaders allowed me to get Sasha out of the gangline and secured on the cart so she could ride and not have any further injury. Cosmos on his own doing turned the team around and headed for home although we still had more trail to run. This is the sign of a true lead dog to know what needs to take place to take care of each member of the team. He knew she was hurt and I wanted her at home to take care of her. Sasha stood up and enjoyed the ride back to the house except for the bumpy driveway. I came home and quickly put everyone back in the kennels and took care of Sasha. I will give her some time for the scrape to heal and then us a bootie on that foot till I know it is completely healed. Sasha came back to her kennel and ran and jumped in the water then ran and jumped on me to kiss me and roll on me. She is a very affectionate girl and I don't mind getting wet and muddy. Cloths wash and Shout makes a wonderful product to clean out dirt. Of course Cosmos was rewarded for taking it upon himself to turn the team around and bring us home. Cosmos doesn't like food treats nearly as much as he likes a belly rub. So he had a nice long belly rub.


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