SC Dogsled Team Training Journal

dogsledding, dryland, carting, dog training, dog behavior

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Tuesday Oct 31

I had to work late so I did not get to run the dogs. So I spent time playing with them. After I had fed everyone I was going around and playing with the dogs. When I got to the five 10 month old puppies (Bell, Scarlet, Skeeter, Miyatuk, Cooter) I was sitting on the ground playing with them and Miyatuk jumped up on my side and scratched my ear. It hurt and burned but I figured it was only a scratch. I continued on with my chores and playing with doggies. When I got to washing dishes I washed my hands and checked my ear and pulled my hand back with a blob of blood and fatty tissue, like little white BB's. I placed my finger back up on the back of the ear and felt a nice gap in the ear that my finger could go into. After washing dishes and cleaning up I thought about going to the ER but this was Halloween night and I figured I had a minor injury so I would be there all night. I walked to my neighbor's to have them look at it when she first looked she said it looked fine. After washing it with peroxide and pulling the ear back she gasped and said you need stitches there is a big gap. So I came home and washed it with more peroxide and a Q-tip and put a piece of tape on the ear to hold it to the head. I sat down and watched a movie then went to bed and slept on that side to keep the ear against the head. I woke up and found no blood on the pillow but still called a doctor to get an appointment. I finally got one at 3 pm. He told me I had done a good job of cleaning it and getting it back together. He added some glue and taped it together as I had and gave me some antibiotics. So I now know why I need to trim puppy nails.


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